Kids and Puddles

After a beautiful holiday long weekend here in Canada, we appear to be closing out the week with rainy and unseasonably hot weather. Today, my little guy and I had lunch and played in a park during a break in the weather.

He loves puddles, and puddles love him. What is it that makes puddles so attractive to children?



  1. Love the reflection, but love the well-worn yet colorful shoes standing in that puddle. Captures the essence of being a kid 🙂 And, phew, I think I have now caught up. I’ve had the most enjoyable few hours, Shane, “visiting” you. It’s been far too long …

    1. Hey Stacy, it has been a while, and I have so neglected my blog and everyone in the community for most of the summer.

      I’m so glad that you felt the essence of being a kid in the shot because that’s exactly what I was aiming for. Though it was taken with my phone, and processed using the Snapseed app, I think I was able to capture the moment since my little guy went straight for the puddle. I am by no means an expert photographer, but I’m trying to stretch myself by using my phone more and more these days.

      1. Wow, Shane, with your phone?? I love it even more 🙂 Glad you’re taking the time for yourself and your family. That’s what’s most important. Your WordPress family will always be here, coming and going with our own schedules too. It makes reconnecting every now and again all the more fun 🙂 (P.S. Apologies for comment-bombing all your recent posts – see, I haven’t been as current as I have wanted to be either!)

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