Weekly Photo Challenge: Descent

YAY. my 200th post!! Thank you to everyone who has followed along on this journey 🙂 I look forward to the next 200 posts.

It’s Monday morning here in Canada, and though all the beautiful fall colours have been shaken from the trees, and we’re getting ever closer to the first snowfall (even though it has snowed in other parts of Canada already), this is the start of another beautiful week.

Into the sun

I hope that Halloween was fun and safe for those of you who celebrated it, and I hope your weekends were filled with good food, good times, and loving family and friends.

This image is a pretty accurate depiction of how I try to see each day. The sky is blue, the path is clear, and the sun shines over us as it’s rays descend upon the earth. I’ve learned that if you start your day with a smile, you’ll have a far better chance of reaching your goals.

Happy Monday!



  1. I wish I could wake up to a view like that. In a few more years I hope to when I get a house in the country somewhere with a few acres or so of land. Unfortunately I have to live the work weeks without a sun in sight as I get to work before the sun shows itself and I get done with work when the sun is leaving for the day. At least it’s temporary and I’ll still get to see it on the weekends. But the things I will enjoy, hopefully, are to get out and try some of the things I’ve learned over the summer to create better winter photos and the fact that I don’t have to get up at 3 am to get a sunrise photo! I hope you re-visit some of the places around where you live that you have shown us when they are covered in snow to capture some great winterscapes.

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